Monday, August 16, 2010

Conquering emotional eating...

Is that really something that can be done? Ever since I was a child, I have been an emotional eater. I don't even understand how certain lucky people don't think about food until their bellies begin to make noises. I could write an entire book about all my issues with food, although especially sweets. I could tell you how I can eat two whole quarts of frozen yogurt at once, how I have eaten half a cheesecake in one sitting, and how I have many, many time consumed as much as a pound of chocolate in a few hours. This blog, however, is not about kvetching. Enough is enough. It is true that I've tried every diet in the book (and not in the book, mind you). Sometimes, I've been successful. I was a chubby child and teenager. Several years ago I joined Weight Watchers and lost 50 pounds, going from 180 pounds to 130 pounds in 6 months. I kept the weight off for years. A few years ago, however, the number on the scale began rising, slowly but steadily. This was largely due to my increasingly unhealthy relationship with sweets.
It seems that it is not enough that I am the only one holding myself accountable for my eating and exercise. If I manage to acquire an online network of people in a similar situation, it might make it easier. Here is what I have decided to do:
-Eat right. Let's face, we all know what that means. There isn't any explanation needed.
-Exercise for 1 hour per day, 6 days per week, no matter what.
-Eat only when hungry. Never for emotional reasons.
-Weigh myself once per week, on Fridays.
-Try to hang in there, even when times are tough..

I currently weight 172 pounds (I am 5,5 inches tall). I have no illusions about becoming like a movie star or model, or even to necessarily be the same weight as when I was younger. My immediate goal is to lose 32 (extremely unwanted) pounds, and to reach 140 pounds. My goal at this point is simply to gain some sort of control of my life, my health and my happiness. I hope I have your support, and you will have mine as well.

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