Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I did not lose any weight this week. In fact, I gained a pound. It is safe to say that this week has had its ups and downs. It's amazing how much of my dieting success is based solely on psychology.
I had been discussing the cabbage soup cleanse with some friends from my daughter's day care. I decided to do a 2-day cleanse. My diet was not immaculate, but I did eat very healthy during the weekend. On Monday morning, I woke up to see that I had put on 3 pounds overnight. I am not dumb, so I know that you don't put on weight overnight after eating healthy. Furthermore, I was feeling very bloated. The problem is, that I suffer from an unhealthy obsession with the scale. I therefore found the increased number on the scale to be discouraging, which resulted in my overeating all day long. This morning when I woke up, I had decided to buy ice cream, chocolate and twinkies after dropping my daughter off at the day care. In other words, I had accepted defeat, like I have so many times before. While at the day care, however, I told a friend about what had happened. She told me that she also got bloated from the cabbage soup cleanse, and that I should start over again. Although I know and understand all the facts, it was motivating to get a pep-talk from another person. In fact, it was absolutely necessary. I decided not to go on a binge after all, and I am now hoping to do well this week. I do wish that I did not have this frequent psychological barrier preventing me from succeeding. I don't know what to say or do about it. I will just continue trying to take things one day at a time.